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GW Sinai Scholars
Sinai Scholars at GW


The Sinai Scholars Society is a truly unique opportunity. Take a serious look at this thing we call Judaism in a sophisticated and academic, yet fun and deeply meaningful way. The Society is a national organization of thousands of college students just like yourself who want to take their Jewish identity to the next level.


Any Jewish student with a curiosity and appetite to know the answers to life's questions.


When you're done this eight week course you'll have the answer to the question: "Is Judaism for me in my adult life?". Just to put you over the top - there's a $350 stipend to anyone who completes all course requierments.


Eight 1 and 1/2 hour Tuesday evening classes a semester.


Read a little about the course here, then, if you're ready for this adventure, click here to apply!

Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center at GW   2522 I St NW Washington, DC 20037    202.520.9329

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